With the aim of increasing sales, creating new subscribers or generating more downloads of an app, companies make, as one of their first decisions, invest money in digital advertising.
This can become a hole through which a large part of the budget is lost without achieving results. How to avoid it? Below we share information about the impact of user experience on digital businesses.
To better understand what we are talking about, we are going to think of the digital product that is going to be advertised as a traditional commercial premises and of digital advertising as street advertisements or other traditional advertising media.
If we manage to persuade potential customers with our advertising campaign, they will come to our store to buy what we have offered them. But let’s imagine that the experience is the following: Upon arrival you must wait several minutes to enter, the products are not displayed in the best way, our salespeople do not adequately answer questions and as if that were not enough we do not accept credit card payments.
Do you think these people will buy our products? The answer is definitely NO.
In the digital world, exactly the same thing happens, if we do not make sure to offer a good user experience, without friction or failures, the investment in advertising that has been made to get the user to enter an e-commerce or download an app will be lost money, because he will decide not to buy what is offered there. Therefore, our recommendation is that to optimize advertising investment, part of the budget is allocated to validating and improving the digital experience offered to users.
To take stock of lost sales opportunities on products that do not take care of their UX, we share a Google indicator: If a website loads slowly, 8 out of 10 users will abandon the page because they do not want to wait. This means that of 10 dollars invested, 8 will be lost. It’s a lot, right?
But how do we know if a product has usability problems?
Simple, at Quimic we design a rapid testing process that allows our clients to obtain statistical data in 30 days that determine whether their product offers a good experience or not. If the results in this period are not encouraging, we will design an optimization plan to solve each of the problems detected.
If you still have doubts about the positive impact of investing in UX, we cite the study “The Business Value of User Experience”, directed by Jim Ross.
The study presents statistical information that demonstrates the following:
A product with a good UX contributes to the ROI positively between 5 and 100 times the value of the investment made, this means that for every 1 dollar invested the return will be 5 to 100 dollars in profit.
In addition, this report includes results achieved by some companies that decided to invest in improving the UX they offered to their users. Remember to compare these statistics with the 8 dollars lost on the 10 dollars invested in products that do not have a good user experience.

Finally, working on the usability of a product also brings benefits in the medium and long term. According to the Avaya agency, in a survey carried out in 2021:
More than 75% of users stated that they are likely to continue making purchases if their digital experience with a company is good, while 82% would stop doing so where their experience has been bad.
That is to say, a good digital experience contributes to customer retention and loyalty, thus generating great money savings in the difficult and expensive task of attracting new users all the time.
Remember, subject your digital product to a usability testing process before starting your advertising actions. You will thank us in the future.